
Updates + Pickin up my Headset

I'm heading out in a few moments to go to Gamestop and pick up the PS3 Stereo Headset that I pre-ordered and talked about a few days ago. Hopefully it was worth the money. I will probably have a review about it in the next few days once I test it out.

Also, I'm still recording pranks, I have not left the game. Some pranks are just not that great so I prefer not to put them up in a video. I do have a good 1 or 2, but we're still recording, and plan to get a new video out in a few days. Aiming for earlier than that.

Until then, I'll see you guys later.


  1. hey, i hope those headset are good! even tho i have 360 i hope they work for you! nice blog :D

  2. yeah ill look forward to the review about it, help me decide whether to get it :P hope theyre good

  3. awesome, I look forward to the review! :D

  4. I really want that headset but I didn't pre-order it. I hope Gamestop has some left.

  5. Would really like to read your review on the headphones.
    Pranks? Sounds interesting.
