
Modern Warfare 3, I Choose You!

Well, after some debate over the past few months, I'm pretty sure I'm just gonna end up snatching Modern Warfare 3 over Battlefield 3. I had BFBC2.....it was just not appealing. Not my cup of tea. Argue what you want, I just wasn't feeling it for some reason. I've already pre-ordered WWE '12, haven't gotten around to MW3. I don't even know what perks stores have for pre-orders on that game. If anyone knows, please leave it in the comments. What will you guys, if any, pick up for your gaming systems? Are you going with the very popular Modern Warfare 3, or the highly anticipated Battlefield 3? Let me know what you think and I'll catch y'all next time.


  1. I played Battlefield 1942, then Battlefield 2 when it came out and they were fun as hell (especially BF2). I didn't like Bad Company as much but trust me, if they're going back to their PC roots BF3 will be awesome.

  2. I'll most likely rent out battlefield 3 as for mf3 well all my friends will have it so ill just go to their houses and play it there.

  3. I must say if BF is anything like the 1942 or BF2 or yesteryear it will blow MW out of the water.

  4. I am a mwf fan myself. Never got into bf may be worth a try.

  5. BF3 all the way since it is using the latest technology while MW3 is still using the same recycled engine and is basically an expansion pack to MW2. Also call of duty elite is only milking more money from gamers which sucks but whatever floats your boat!

  6. ill have to check it out and see

  7. I gotta agree with Wibblet on this one. I am totally into the story line from MW though so ill probably get both.

  8. I can't wait to here your review on WWE '12.... Albertoooo del rioooooo! Look forward to MW3 as well. +followed.

  9. I would have to say Battlefield 3 was the only trailer I saw. Regarding the two, I'm neutral.

  10. you've made the right choice.

  11. Sadly, I won't play any games anytime soon, but I would have chosen BF3, because finally we get something that isn't ported from consoles or recycled technology.

  12. Both look great, but I'm going with MW3. ^^ BF3 seems more unique and better suited for the computer, probably.

  13. Honestly I don't think I'll get either one. :P
