Just a quick rundown of latest news regarding our Youtube channel. As you may know, we're uploading our prank call series but we're also having out Random Game of the Day series and a recent upload of a tour of our Minecraft world. Plus our associate, minenter, just put up some Let's Play that also revolve around Minecraft on our website. But one thing I'm looking forward to is this Tournament of Death as I like to call it. Apparently our Minecraft'ers are looking to set up these battles between users. The video could explain it better than I could. But that's something that could be appealing hopefully. If it sparks your interest, stay tuned to this blog and our website!
Make sure to check the videos out though: http://www.youtube.com/user/TechSyndicateGroup
That tournament is the featured video currently.
And as always: http://thetechsyndicate.com/