
Breaking TMZ News Regarding J.Bieb and SelGo(isn't that what they call her these days?)

I had to post about this....I couldn't pass it up! After all, this is also an entertainment blog and TMZ is my Bible, don't hate. TMZ is reporting that Selena Gomez has been rushed to a hospital over here in L.A after appearing on Jay Leno last night. The reports were of headache and nausea. I'm thinking this may be something major....a lot of people are speculating...that perhaps....are you ready? Speculations.....that she may be pregnant! Lord have mercy! LOL the media will be jumping all over this one...but could it be true? I wouldn't doubt it...not one bit....kids these days. Let me know what you think.

(LOL "justen beiber" ?? )

As always: www.thetechsyndicate.com 


  1. LOL that would be hilarious. Role model. Pshh. Little brat.

  2. I'd knock that up. Go Justin.

  3. No, I'd doubt it, just like the "nudes" of Katy Perry that are circulating the internet.

  4. did J.Bieb's swag coach tell him that would be cool?

  5. Oh man, this would just put the icing on the cake for their publicity. I'm tired of seeing these two everywhere

  6. Thats so crazy! In a weird way this is kinda the best thing thats ever happened for justin because now people wont think hes so gay haha.

  7. haha that'd be hilarious. i do not like all the publicity these kids are getting, it can't be healthy for their personalities.

  8. I haven't heard anything else yet. But I'm wondering....what if all his preteen/teen fangirls revolt against him if this happens? They were dead serious about being in his bed someday.

  9. Bieber will go away soon enough. He can't last.

  10. Rofl I dont think she's pregnant with his child.

    Probably just another ploy

  11. She's probably just sick from having to touch justin beiber.
